Op maandag 6 sep 2010 23:18 CEST schreef Aditya Mahajan:
The following code does what I want: \blank \SetTableToWidth{\textwidth} \starttable[|lp(0.90\textwidth)|] Some text \SR \SR \HL \SR \HL \SR \HL \SR \HL \stoptable \blank
Table and expansion are tricky. The error is caused by the last \HL and goes away if you add another line.
But if you only want four horizontal lines, why not use \thinrules
That is what I want. I have now defined the following much simpler macro: \def\GetComment[#1]{ \blank #1\par \thinrules[n=4] \blank } and I call it with: \GetComment[What was the most useful for you?] -- Cecil Westerhof M CLDWesterhof@gmail.com O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send OpenDocument instead! http://fsf.org/campaigns/opendocument/