Il 25/03/21 14:11, Hans Hagen ha scritto:
\startMPpage[offset=1cm] draw (fullcircle scaled 5cm shifted (0cm,0cm)) withpattern image (fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor "darkblue" ;) withpatternscale (1/10,1/10) ;
draw (fullcircle scaled 5cm shifted (5cm,0cm)) withpattern image (fill fullcircle scaled 5mm withcolor "darkred" ;) withpatternscale (1/20,1/20) ;
draw (fullcircle scaled 5cm shifted (10cm,0cm)) withpattern image (fill fullcircle scaled 5mm withcolor "darkgreen" ;) withpatternscale (1/40,1/40) ;
draw (fullcircle scaled 5cm shifted (0cm,5cm)) withpattern image (fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor "darkcyan" ;) withpatternscale (1/10,1/20) ;
draw (fullcircle scaled 5cm shifted (5cm,5cm)) withpattern image (fill fullcircle scaled 5mm withcolor "darkmagenta" ;) withpatternscale (1/20,1/40) ;
draw (fullcircle scaled 5cm shifted (10cm,5cm)) withpattern image (fill fullcircle scaled 5mm withcolor "darkyellow" ;) withpatternscale (1/40,1/80) ; \stopMPpage
\startMPpage[offset=1cm] fill fullcircle scaled 11cm withcolor "darkyellow" ;
draw fullcircle scaled 10cm withpattern image (fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor "darkblue" ;) ;
draw fulldiamond scaled 8cm withpattern image (fill fulldiamond scaled 4mm withcolor "darkgreen" ;) rotated 15 ;
draw fulltriangle scaled 9cm withpattern image (fill fulltriangle scaled 3mm withcolor "white" ;) rotated 45 ;
draw fullcircle scaled 10cm withpattern image (draw textext("!") withcolor "middlegray" ;) rotated 45 ;
draw fullcircle scaled 10cm withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor "darkgray" ; \stopMPpage
Those first two pages appear 20x20mm and blank. Page 3 and 4 show patterns instead. Massi