Am 31.07.10 00:50, schrieb Hans Hagen:
I'll have a more detailed look at it later (remind me that we need to formalize this \???? namespace for modules issue; we might need \??? for the core soon as we run out of \??'s).
I wonder what the side effects of \everyvbox are as the next box content can have vboxes itself (ok, you can do an everyvbox\emptytoks inside the \everyvbox); maybe \dowithnextboxcontent can be used here
I changed it now to \dowithnextbox and it works as well, the main purpose of the macro is to insert a symbol between paragraphs but it's true you can't know how other people misuse the function.
Another convention could be
so that you then get (less testing):
\dowithnextboxcontent {\setupalign[\fancybreakparameter\c!align]% \dosetfancybreakattributes\c!style\c!color}% {\blank[\fancybreakparameter\c!spacebefore]% \flushnextbox
Done although it has to be \doifmode\v!mkii ;)
As you write nice and clean modules that are perfect examples for others, we should take some time at the context conference and see if we can derive some 'module writing conventions'.
I want to use this module myself to present how to include macros to document a modules source (%M, %D etc.).
I wonder if I should finaly make a definer for \fancybreakparameter like cases. I had one once but it looked quite horrible and there are subtle differences between all cases but I'll give it a try some day soon. You mean \installparameterhandler in str-def.mkiv?
The macro is interesting but three arguments are enough because 'framed' part is always the same in the parameter commands. Wolfgang