Aditya Mahajan a écrit :
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, olivier Turlier wrote:
Hi everybody,
I'm experiencing pb with the latest stable version : insertion of multipage external document leads to the rendering of only the first page, with this command :
\getfiguredimensions[doc-guidecstb-sol-tecnic-rt2000-gobck.pdf] \dorecurse{\noffigurepages}{\externalfigure[doc-guidecstb-sol-tecnic-rt2000-gobck.pdf] [width=\textwidth,height=\textheight][page=\recurselevel]}
Thanks for your answer Aditya, This partialy solve the pb : it produce a 17 different pages pdf, but page numbering is no more working. For inserting multipage pdf, I came to the former command after having tried : % \slicepages % [mise-station.pdf] % [n=0, % voffset=1in, % height=23.55cm, % width=22cm, % offset=\dimexpr(-1in- 2pt)] % [offset=\dimexpr(-1in+19pt)] % \startpagefigure [flora.pdf] [width=\textwidth,height=\textheight][page=1]\stoppagefigure % \externalfigure[docs.pdf] [width=\textwidth,height=\textheight][page=1] % \externalfigure[docs.pdf] [width=\textwidth,height=\textheight][page=2] I use this for easily inserting an external "child" document to a "parent" course with big buttons for jumping back to the "parent" one. PS : I try to "frenchise" your well documented & nice homework assignment seen at http://dw.tug.org/pracjourn/2006-4/mahajan/ -- olivier