Am 30.03.23 um 17:09 schrieb Willi Egger via ntg-context:
I am still working on the previously mentioned project, consisting out of different parts. There are about 25 chapters in each part and most of the chapters contain figures. When using the predefined figure environment, then all figures in the figure-list are placed correctly though at each part the numbering restarts.
Now I tried to implement for each part its own float environment, which enables me to produce a figure-list per part with subtitels. How ever in the newly defined floats there is no continuous numbering i.e. chapternumber.serialnumber. Instead each float get the chapter number only.
How to get the numbering right?
You can define the resetting of numbering with \setupcaption[Afigure][way=bytext|bypart|bychapter]. For the list, \placelist[Afigure][criterium=chapter] (or local?) should work. HTH, Hraban