At 18:10 10/12/2003, you wrote:
I'm trying to layout a paper for a conference that requires a format different from the standard latex layout, and for the most part context has been making this quite easy on me (excluding the four hours I spent trying to mimic the latex \thanks{} construct), however, I've encoutered a
hm, must be some kind of complex thing then, what is \thanks supposed to do?
new problem that's confusing me. since I'm sure the problem stems from my lack of plain tex and context knowledge, I figured someone here would know what I'm doing wrong, and asking you for help is certainly more pleasant than banging my head for another four hours only to find another trivial solution...
My problem is this: I needed to place a "." after the number in the section and subsection headings, so I included the following in my preamble:
% setup section headings to include a . after the section number \setuphead [section] [command=\mysec, indentnext=yes] \def\mysec#1#2{#1. #2} \setuphead [subsection] [command=\mysubsec, indentnext=yes] \def\mysubsec#1#2{#1. #2}
\setuplabeltext[en][chapter={{A},{B}}] \setuphead[section][separator={XXX}] \setuplist[chapter,section][stopper=.] \placecontent[criterium=text] \chapter{\input tufte \relax} \section{test} Hans