Am 23.12.2014 um 19:44 schrieb Pablo Rodriguez
: On 12/23/2014 05:42 PM, j. van den hoff wrote:
[...] so I seem back to square one in this respect :-(. I can only assume that this has been caused by the `--reload' run (see item 1. above: intitially `optima' italics worked) and/or maybe still fragile support of these `ttc' (true type collection) files? just a guess.
what am I doing wrong _this_ time?
Hi Jörg,
I cannot tell, but maybe there is something that might work.
From your ConTeXt Suite directory, remove tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/.
And then compile the documents with Optima and EB Garamond. (ConTeXt will perform the required tasks before.)
--reload didn’t work for me and this method worked. I remove tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/ everytime I install a new font.
There is no need to remove the latex-cache folder because you can use the force option (i.e. mtxrun —script font —reload —force) to rebuild the whole cache. Wolfgang