If you don't mind using a little trick, try wrapping the questions and options in a vbox to avoid pagination. The best solution may be to use penalty to do so. \def\startnewitem{\vbox\bgroup\startitem} \def\stopnewitem{\stopitem\egroup} \starttext \startitemize[n] \startnewitem% <-- wrap What is the color of the sky? \startitemize[3] \startitem blue \stopitem \startitem green \stopitem \startitem red \stopitem \startitem yellow \stopitem \stopitemize \stopnewitem % <-- wrap \startnewitem % <-- wrap What is the color of the grass? \startitemize[3] \startitem blue \stopitem \startitem green \stopitem \startitem red \stopitem \startitem yellow \stopitem \stopitemize \stopnewitem% <-- wrap \startnewitem% <-- wrap What is the color of the butterfly? \startitemize[3] \startitem blue \stopitem \startitem green \stopitem \startitem red \stopitem \startitem yellow \stopitem \stopitemize \stopnewitem% <-- wrap \stopitemize Muyik