On Thu, 21 May 2009, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Wed, 20 May 2009, Oliver Buerschaper wrote:
Proposed patch:
diff math-def.mkiv.orig math-def.mkiv 100,105c100,105 < \definemathcommand [integers] {\mathblackboard{Z}} < \definemathcommand [reals] {\mathblackboard{R}} < \definemathcommand [rationals] {\mathblackboard{Q}} < \definemathcommand [naturalnumbers]{\mathblackboard{N}} < \definemathcommand [complexes] {\mathblackboard{C}} < \definemathcommand [primes] {\mathblackboard{P}} ---
\definemathcommand [integers] {{\mathblackboard Z}} \definemathcommand [reals] {{\mathblackboard R}} \definemathcommand [rationals] {{\mathblackboard Q}} \definemathcommand [naturalnumbers]{{\mathblackboard N}} \definemathcommand [complexes] {{\mathblackboard C}} \definemathcommand [primes] {{\mathblackboard P}}
Hans, Aditya, does this make sense?
Yes, I should unlearn amsmath syntax at some stage.
\unexpanded\def\mathscript {\setmathalphabet{script}} \unexpanded\def\mathfraktur {\setmathalphabet{fraktur}} \unexpanded\def\mathblackboard{\setmathalphabet{blackboard}}
we can make these into
\unexpanded\def\mathscript #1{{\setmathalphabet{script}#1}} \unexpanded\def\mathfraktur #1{{\setmathalphabet{fraktur}#1}} \unexpanded\def\mathblackboard#1{{\setmathalphabet{blackboard}#1}}
\unexpanded\def\mathsr{\setmathalphabet{script}} \unexpanded\def\mathfr{\setmathalphabet{fraktur}} \unexpanded\def\mathbb{\setmathalphabet{blackboard}}
does that make sense?
Actually, better will be if we go for full ams compatibility: Leave \mathscript, \mathfraktur, and \mathblackboard as they are, and define \unexpanded\def\mathcal #1{{\setmathalphabet{script}#1}} \unexpanded\def\mathfrak#1{{\setmathalphabet{fraktur}#1}} \unexpanded\def\mathbb #1{{\setmathalphabet{blackboard}#1}} %TODO: Once bold is settled %unexpanded\def\mathbf #1{{\setmathalphabet{bold}#1}} % TODO: I need to actually see what exactly these commands to %unexpanded\def\mathrm #1{{....} %unexpanded\def\mathit #1{{....} % TODO: Probably better will be \mathss since we use ss for sans serif %unexpanded\def\mathsf #1{{....} % TODO: \mathscr is euler script. We can add this, but need to figure out % how to deal with two script families in a configurable way % For LM one can go with either euler script or RSFS (or both?) %unexpanded\def\mathscr #1{{...} Aditya