On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, WN wrote:
adityam@umich.edu wrote:
On Wed, 5 Apr 2006, WN wrote:
One thing I want to do with a set of subformula's is to reference the main formula but still subnumbering the equations like
Try this. Warning: I do not know everything that is happening here. There may be some unexpected side effects.
\unprotect \def\placesubformulawithnumber{% \dodoubleempty\doplacesubformulawithnumber}
\def\doplacesubformulawithnumber[#1][#2]%#2 gobbles spaces {\iffirstargument \incrementnumber[\v!formula] \makesectionnumber[\v!formula] \rawreference{\s!for}{#1}{\composedsectionnumber} \else \incrementnumber[\v!formula] \fi\placesubformula} \protect
\starttext %% > \incrementnumber[formula] %% > \placesubformula \placesubformulawithnumber[eqn1] %I need to think of a smaller name \startformula \startalign \NC div \vec{E} \NC = \epsilon_{0}^{-1} \rho \NR[eqn1:A][a] \NC rot \vec{E} \NC = 0 \NR \NC div \vec{B} \NC = 0 \NR[eqn1:B][b] \NC rot \vec{B} \NC = \mu_{0} \vec{j} \NR \stopalign \stopformula See *\in[eqn1] *for the static Maxwell equations, where we are going to examine \in[eqn1:A] a bit further .... \stoptext
Also, note that div and rot should be in text font. You should probably do \startmathcollection[default] \definemathcommand [div] [nolop] {\mfunction{div}} \definemathcommand [rot] [nolop] {\mfunction{rot}} \stopmathcollection
and use \div \rot etc.
Hi Aditya, I tested your solution and it works great. I cannot see any problems in my output. I wish I had your Tex programming skills, I am trying to learn the language myself from the TexBook (D.Knuth) but I still have a long way to go.
Well, I do not understand Tex. What I usually do is look at the context source, which is much easier to read than latex internals, and then copy from there, play around a bit, and sometimes things work.
Another test to check that the formula numbers work as expected \placeformula[kem-chapter-eqn11] \startformula \cases{ \eqalign{ \widehat{\vec{x}} &= - \vec{x} \cr \widehat{t} & = t \cr }} \quad \text{resp.} \quad \cases{\eqalign{ \widehat{\vec{x}} &= \vec{x} \cr \widehat{t} & = -t \cr }} \stopformula
How about \definemathmatrix [group] [left={\left\{\,},right={\right.}] \startformula \startgroup \NC \widehat{\vec{x}} \NC= - \vec x \NR \NC \widehat t \NC= t \NR \stopgroup \quad \text{resp} \quad \startgroup \NC \widehat{\vec{x}} \NC= \vec x \NR \NC \widehat t \NC= -t \NR \stopgroup \stopformula There is also startstop cases, but that does not give the correct spacing in this case. May be useful otherwise. \startformula \startcases \NC \widehat{\vec{x}} \MC= - \vec x \NR \NC \widehat t \MC= t \NR \stopcases % Read MC as Math Column, there is also the usual NC % which gives a text column \quad \text{resp} \quad \startcases \NC \widehat{\vec{x}} \MC= \vec x \NR \NC \widehat t \MC= -t \NR \stopcases \stopformula HTH, Aditya