On Feb 20, 2008, at 10:05 AM, luigi scarso wrote:
Just the other day, I encountered a mysterious error which may or may not be related. I upgraded to pdftex 1.40.7 on all my boxes. This was smooth on my intel-macs (OS X 10.5.2). On my powerpc-mac, I got a "TeX capacity exceeded!" error with 1.40.7 for a file that compiled fine with 1.40.5. I tried several times: all I did was dropping the pdftex binary and pdftex.pool in place, rebuilding th format and compiling the file. Compilation was smooth with 1.40.5 and consistently failed with 1.40.7 (which I compiled and recompiled without any special flags). I haven't pursued the matter for the moment and just went back to 1.40.5, but I'm wondering if these problems are related. Do you have a test file ?
Sorry, it took me a while because this is the computer in my office, from which I;ve been away for a while. I think I nailed it down: if I try to include a pdf image into a ConTeXt document \starttext \externalfigure[Logo][width=56mm,height=20mm] \stoptext (with any pdf file) I get this error: <./Logo.pdf ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [PDF object stream buffer=5]. \dogetTPDfiguresize ...geBox {\@@DriverImageFile } \xdef \PDFimagereference {... \doanalyzefiguredimensionsinternal ...tfiguresize \setanalyzedfiguredimensio... <argument> ...}\doanalyzefiguredimensionsinternal \doanalyzefiguredimensions... \firstoftwoarguments #1#2->#1 \dododoanalyzeunknownfiguretype ...guredimensions \fi \next2 ...dododoanalyzeunknownfiguretype {pdf}{#1} \doprocesscommaitem ... l.4 ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! The pdf file is OK; this error only occurs with pdftex 1.40.7 on powerpc (OS X, 10.5.2). The same file compiles fine with luatex on powerpc and intel pdftex 1.40.5 on powerpc and intel pdftex 1.40.7 on OS X intel All best Thomas