Dear Wolfgang, Thank you for a nice solution. I applied your method to produce an animation which draw a circle using the following: %%%%%%%% \usemodule[animation] \setupinteraction[state=start] \startuseMPgraphic{Circles}{s} numeric sn, L, N; path p, q; p := fullcircle scaled 72; L:=length p; N:=20; sn:= \MPvar{s}; q := subpath (0, sn/N*L) of p;% draw q withcolor red; fill fullcircle scaled 3 shifted point length q of q withcolor blue; setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare shifted (-0.5,-0.5) scaled 75; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext \startanimation \dorecurse{20} {\startexpanded %\setupMPvariables[Circles][s] \useMPgraphic{Circles}{s=\recurselevel} \stopexpanded} \stopanimation \stoptext %%%%%%%%%% However, it just draw 20 figures instead of making an animation. Would you please tell me what is wrong in the above code? Thank you. Best regards, Dalyoung