On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 8:31 AM, Lutz Haseloff
Hi all,
1. the luatex binary for linux armhf is too old for the recent version of ConTeXt. It is a 1.0.3 from March 2017.
2. first problem would be not a so big one, but since development level 6505 I'm not able to compile the experimental luatex myself anymore. It compiles luajittex but not luatex.
My call to build.sh is: sh ./build.sh --jit --parallel 1>compile.log 2>error.log
I append the error.log.
3. In first-setup.sh is an entry for armv7l. On my system, "uname -m" shows armv8l. After every download of the script, I have to edit it. If someone adds a section for armv8l, I could use the original first-setup.sh without changing armv7l to armv8l.
Greetings Lutz
looking into it now -- luigi