Dnia Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 04:28:35AM -0500, vafa@aol.com.au napisał(a):
ConTeXt peaple always have used to say that ConTeXt is better than LaTeX.
I have been recieving emails from CoNTeXt list and it seems that ConTeXt has heaps of bugs.
LaTeX rocks...!
Sorry, but I just can't resist a joke: what you call a "bug" in ConTeXt world is called a "feature" in LaTeX. And to be more serious: I think I was rather fair in my previous post on the difference between (plain) TeX and ConTeXt. Also, LaTeX is "frozen" in some sense: the latest news on the LaTeX project site comes from 2005, IIRC. So the LaTeX "core" (or "kernel") is very stable (and, one has to admit, has very few bugs - and very limited features...). And LaTeX packages are quite a jungle. But still: there are lots of them which are very stable (or frozen), and some which are under constant development (pgf, for instance). Also, LaTeX documents are (usually) much simpler than ConTeXt documents, so it is much easier to have few bugs - there is less room for complex interactions (aside from package clashes, which happen from time to time). So if you want a stable document preparation and markup system with a large userbase, though sometimes limited functionality (try to do a two-column enumerate in LaTeX automatically, something like: 1) ... 3) ... 2) ... 4) ... without resorting to general multicolumn hackery - and the multicol package, which is not entirely free!), then yes, LaTeX is better. And if you want some features _not_ present in LaTeX or you need to typeset _really_ complex documents (complex in terms of layout, for example), or your documents are not scientific papers then ConTeXt is probably better. Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) Szema Izrael: Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Ehad!