Thanks for all your input and help, but as said before I don't have the time to upgrade and than to discover existing things don't work
resulting in a complete new thread to debug these existing things and/or fix with a new beta installation.
But that is perhaps not my biggest concern with all these beta releases,
ConText is great and for the most part easy to use, I am more worried that
my existing ConText environment (setup) becomes broken, and/or resulting in complete different PDF output.
I have no way of knowing, apart from visually inspecting a lot of pages of PDF.
I thought including some code examples via \typefile (with a bit of text in either Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese or Korean)
could be achieved with a simple local font switch, or setting a regime or via \setuptyping but not on a global level
with \definefontsynonym, definefontfallback etc.
My fix is to change the examples a bit and continue.
Again thanks for the help