Hans, I have been looking at core-ntb (dangerous bend for me) and I found [b|e]TABLEhead, [b|e]TABLEbody and [b|e]TABLEfoot. I then put 2 + 2 together and made 5. It doesn't work as I expected. Are Table heads and foots available? TABLEbody gives no output and TABLEhead and TABLEfoot just place themselves at the end of table (head first, foot next) rather than at the beginning and end of each column. One version of my test code is below; \bTABLEhead \bTR \bTH Head 1 \eTH \bTH Head 2 \eTH \eTR \eTABLEhead \bTABLEfoot \bTR \bTH Foot 1 \eTH \bTH Foot 2 \eTH \eTR \eTABLEfoot \bTABLE[split=yes] \dorecurse{40}{\bTR \bTD left \eTD\bTD right \eTD \eTR} \eTABLE I have been looking forward to this feature for some time. If you work on it, it would be nice to have the middle table breaks to have their own heads and foots such that one can put 'continued' etc. into the table. TIA -- Nigel
From: Hans Hagen
At 08:44 20/08/2003 +0200, you wrote: Hi everybody,
I'm wondering how to break up long tables over several pages, automatically placing continuing headers and footers.
Thanks much for any help
this is supported in tabulate (by default), and can be turned on in the bTABLE mechanism (\setupTABLE[split=yes]) while (less robust) it's also available in \starttable by means of \starttables cum suis.