On Wed, 16 Jan 2013 12:47:21 +0100, Philipp Gesang
wrote: Lookup the correct string from a table?
thanks for the idea -
- in other words, we have to keep running results somewhere;
Yes, this is simple because the order of processing doesn’t change -- as long as the data you aggregate fits into your memory, of course!
the algorithm fills a table with texts for each page, and each \setlayer takes one value back, so we can simplify to:
\setlayer[beforetext][preset=righttop] {\framed[width=2in]{\directlua{context(table.remove(userdata.LPr.texts, 1))}}}
context.startTEXpage { background = "foreground,beforetext" } table.insert(userdata.LPr.texts, "BEF" .. i)
context.externalfigure({"cow"},{width="30cm"}) context.stopTEXpage()
From my tests calling table.remove() to remove the first element in a list is extremely inefficient compared to accessing an array. (For 10^5 elements it’s 1m41.644s vs. 0m0.030s on my machine.) While we’re at it, table.insert() involves an extra function call that carries another perfomance penalty, albeit a much smaller one. Your code should do the same, though. Regards Philipp