On Dec 21, 2007 2:01 PM, Wolfgang Schuster
What do you mean by the rectangle around the text area.
Here's the project I'm compiling (as it currently stands), condensed into a single file: \definepapersize[sixbynine][width=6in,height=9in] \setuppapersize[sixbynine][letter] \setuplayout [marking=on, location=middle, textwidth=288pt, textheight=432pt, header=12pt, headerdistance=12pt, topspace=72pt, footer=12pt, footerdistance=12pt, bottomspace=144pt, leftmargindistance=12pt, leftmargin=24pt, backspace=48pt, rightmargindistance=12pt, rightmargin=24pt] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe \starttext \title{Preface} A few paragraphs of {\em Lorem ipsum} text. \stoptext The center rectangle, surrounding the text area, seems to have its left & right margins some distance from the actual text. How do I set that distance, and why is it different from the leftmargindistance? --Joel