Hello, I want to have both a halfline space before and after blockquotations. Normally, this works fine; after the quotation the main text snaps back to the grid (see page 3 of the example file). \setupdelimitedtext [blockquote] [spacebefore=halfline] However, this fails when the blockquote is the first element on the page, either because a new blockquote starts on the top of the page (cf. p. 1) or because a blockquote continues from the last page (cf. p. 2). Is it possible to tell ConTeXt to insert a halfline of space on the top of the page in these cases? TIA, olli \setuppapersize[a5][A4] \setuplayout[location=middle,marking=on,grid=yes] \setupbodyfont[14pt] \setupdelimitedtext [blockquote] [spacebefore=halfline] \showgrid \starttext \startblockquote \input tufte \stopblockquote \dorecurse{2}{\input tufte} \startblockquote \input tufte \stopblockquote \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte} \startblockquote \input tufte \stopblockquote \input tufte \stoptext -- Oliver Heins heins@sopos.org http://www.sopos.org/olli GPG: F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8 2544 0F07 B675 9A00 D827 1024D/9A00D827 2004-09-24 -- gpg --recv-keys 0x9A00D827 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html