On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Michael Talbot-Wilson
Thanks for your reply. Both. But Luigi seems to say LuaTeX can NOT actually produce DVI. Or is that just ConTeXt? LuaTex aims to become the next pdftex, and it already has a dvi output mode. ConText mkiv today is very pdf oriented, it doesn't support dvi very well, if at all.
With "minimals" I can't run luatex directly. It wants a format file that is not there. You can build one: see files under minimals-beta/tex/texmf-context/tex/generic/context exp. luatex-plain.tex
Presumably "maximals" has it. So I can't try using "luatex --backend=dvi hello_world" directly on my hello_world.tex to see if that option's supported. The option is --output-format --output-format=FORMAT use FORMAT for job output; FORMAT is 'dvi' or 'pdf' If CACHE is the dir of your cache where there are the formats (ie CACHE="/opt/luatex/minimals-beta-eurotex-2010/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/8951e8d562c3f685559ce86173519cf6/formats" you can try just now with
luatex --fmt="$CACHE/cont-en" --lua="$CACHE/cont-en.lui" --backend=dvi "test.tex"
The "LuaTeX Reference" has not yet achieved an index and I don't know where else a list of luatex command line options might be found.
try to search inside the pdf then with xpdf
But if there is no dvi or final ps output I think perhaps ConTeXt is not for me just now. Something Unix-oriented would be more usable. Something alien will throw up other problems.
I'm using Linux from 20years and I must to say that minimal is full Unix oriented (I always though that with context Hans uses Windows in an Unix way) I don't understand why you are so tied to dvi. Even postscript is a bit outdated as final output: pdf is the standard-defacto and convert pdf to ps is really easy with the suite of programs from xpdf or acrobat reader. If you like the Unix way a bash script is trivial.
Oh, yes. May have a look at MkII. But does it use LuaTeX?
no, it uses pdftex
The possibility of easy macros in Lua rather than difficult macros in TeX would be one attraction of ConTeXt. Really True (I sould say TRUE) . Maybe Eplain LuaTeX is what I need. No sure: mkiv adds a lots of lua macros that you should rewrite by yourself then
-- luigi