Hello Thomas, Thanks for reply. My idea about the buttons came from student diploma presentations. One student does the presentation, while his friend turns the slides. Sometimes it's necessary to go back, so it will be handy to have buttons... But I don't insist; this may be my whim ) When I'm in hurry, I solve problems faster them I get solutions )) Unfortunately, I've already dropped the project I worked on (not by my will), so I loose any interest in it and don't try anything. Thanks for hinting me about this delicate matter. Vyatcheslav
Btw, I most like small navigation buttons in the bottom ) Good idea to something alike to Simpleslides.
Well, for one thing, the module clearly says in its manual that this is not its aim: "The module is meant for presentations which will be shown on a digital projector. They have no interactive elements (such as buttons or hyperlinks) and no navigational tools (such as table of contents)." Hence the name "simple-slides." I have never understood what these navigation buttons are good for when I watched presentations. But of course, if users think it's a good idea, Aditya and I may consider adding them.
And another thing that's on my mind: Vyatcheslav, you have been asking a ton of questions lately. You have received quite a few answers, but you have never replied (unless to ask further questions). I'm not complaining about a lack of manners, but it would be good to know if your problem has been solved, if the solutions work etc.