Am 21.06.10 22:00, schrieb Hans Hagen:
Wolfgang (who wonders why there is no context alternative for \hyphenation)
so there is room for improvements
\starttext \dorecurse{50}{\kern\recurselevel\dimexpr.2pt\relax {\nohyphens nothyphenatedword}, hyphenatedword } \stoptext
i should explain what i mean: when you try to make hyphenation exceptions for different languages you need currently \language[en]\hyphenation{expection list for english} \language[de]\hyphenation{expection list for german} ... but it would be nice to combine both in a single command, e.g. \setuphyphenation{exception list for the current active language} % like \hyphenation{...} \setuphyphenation[de]{exception list for german} % like \language[de]\hyphenation{...} Wolfgang