jbf schrieb am 11.03.2021 um 23:22:
Thanks for trying, Bruce. That earlier question you refer to was for a similar situation and the answer resolved that one at the time (it was my question even then!) but not the precise one I am facing now.
The problem, you see, is that \startalignment only offers a few key words like flushleft, middle etc. and not what I need this time, which is a precise indentation feature like .5cm. I suppose my real problem is not being sufficiently au fait with how definitions work. I just can't seem to get a definition that gives me a result like
Chapter title author ..................................... page number
the \startalignment approach with flushleft would not give me the indentation obviously, and middle does not work for what I need, and either of them also pushes the page number line down onto the next line, which I don't want. I tried \skip .5cm, so:
\define[1]\SectionTocEntry{% #1\crlf% title \hskip .5cm\doifnot{\structurelistuservariable{author}}{}{\structurelistuservariable{author}}% }
But the \hskip is ignored at the beginning of a line. I wonder if there is something else I can substitute it for?
Use \par after the first line (and add \relax after \hskip). \define[1]}SectionTocEntry {#1\par \hskip.5cm\relax\doifnot{...}{...}} Wolfgang