The problem is that I no longer seem to be able to produce footnotes when the bodyfont is Latin Modern and I am using the Thomas Schmitz’ ancientgreek module. The following works but only when the two lines installing the ancientgreek module are commented out. \usetypescript[lmodern][\defaultencoding] \starttypescript[serif][default][size] \definebodyfont[9.5pt,10.5pt][rm][default] \definebodyfont[9.5pt,10.5pt][mm][default] \stoptypescript \setupbodyfont[lmodern,rm,10.5pt] %\usemodule[ancientgreek][font=GreekOxoniensis,scale=1.15,% % altfont=GreekDioxipe,altscale=1.15] \setupfootnotes[split=verystrict] \setupfootnotes[conversion=numbers, way=bytext,location=page,rule=on,bodyfont=9.5pt,style=normal] \setupfootnotes[interaction=yes] \setupnotedefinition[footnote][indenting={big,yes}] \setupfootnotes[indenting=yes] \starttext Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra gravida, orci magna rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat.% % \footnote{Vivamus luctus elit sit amet mi.} % \stoptext If these lines are not commented out, the error message is ! Font \nullfont has only 7 fontdimen parameters. <to be read again> \advance \dohighlow ...#2\textfont 2\else #3ex\fi \advance \scratchdimen #4ex \kern .... \dogotofixed ...c!color {#1\presetgoto }}}\else #1 \fi } \doifreferencefoundelse ...ce \ifreferencefound #2 \else #3\fi \egroup \dores... \gotobox ...2]} {\hbox {\unknownreference {#2}#1}} \referenceinfo {<} {#2}\egr... <argument> ...[\s!fnt :f:\internalfootreference ]} \fi \doifelse {\noteparame... ... l.29 \footnote{ Vivamus luctus elit sit amet mi.} I am running ConTeXt ver: 2007.04.17 12:51 MKII fmt: 2007.4.24 int: english/english. This is a new problem: it started wuite recently. And there is no problem if I use some font other than Latin Modern. Any suggestions will be gratefully received.