Hans Hagen via ntg-context
On 3/22/2023 7:15 AM, Li Yanrui (李延瑞) via ntg-context wrote:
Hi Hans,
I have already installed some Chinese TTC fonts, e.g. NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc. But when I use mtxrun command to search them, I get an error.
$ mtxrun --script font --list --file NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc lua error : function call: ...e/garfileo/opt/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin/mtxrun.lua:10012: bad argument #9 to 'format' (number expected, got string) Where can i find that font? There was a time when one could download a zip with all noto fonts but last time i checked that option was gone and one ends up with downloading single ones which is a waste of time but I might have missed a link.
These fonts that I use are provided in ubuntu desktop. If you have an ubuntu system, you can get all of them by $ sudo apt install fonts-noto-cjk # or more fonts in the fonts-noto-cjk-extra package. The package includes the following fonts: NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc NotoSerifCJK-Bold.ttc NotoSansCJK-Bold.ttc NotoSansCJK-Regular.ttc I have uploaded the four of them into github. The download link is http://liyanrui.github.io/share/fonts/fonts-noto-cjk.zip --- Best regards, Li Yanrui