Hello again List, Now I’m making diagrams using MetaFun. The MetaFun manual describes an “origin” option for positioning textext’s and label’s on the baseline. However, this dose not appear to be happening with the code in the manual (below). In fact, the diagram in the manual dose not show the textext’s and label’s on the baseline. This is on page 144 of metafun-p.pdf. Maybe I misunderstand what is supposed to be happening here. Thanks! Gavin \startMPcode picture p ; p := \MPbetex {1} ; picture q ; q := textext.origin( \MPstring{2} ) ; picture r ; r := thelabel.origin("\MPtext {3}",origin) ; for i=p, boundingbox p : draw i withcolor .625red ; endfor ; for i=q, boundingbox q : draw i withcolor .625yellow ; endfor ; for i=r, boundingbox r : draw i withcolor .625white ; endfor ; currentpicture := currentpicture scaled 2 ; draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 5.0mm withcolor white ; draw origin withpen pencircle scaled 2.5mm withcolor black ; draw boundingbox currentpicture withpen pencircle scaled .1mm dashed evenly ; \stopMPcode