On Thu, 16 Jun 2016, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 6/16/2016 6:58 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Something has changed with respect to the align=flushleft option for formulas. Earlier (tested with 2016.05.08), align=flushleft did not remove the leftskip, but now it does.
it doesn't but somehow it's not effective
(indeed spacing was updated, some more - future - possibilities and bester handling in boxes and such)
And some stage, it will be nice to discuss the possiblility of adding background to formulas, especially aligned formulas. Similar to some of the examples in http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mathtools/empheq.pdf
Consider the following example:
\showframe \setupitemize[margin=6em] \setupformula[align=flushleft]
\starttext \startitemize \item An equation inside an itemize \startformula E = mc^2 \stopformula \stopitemize \stoptext
The output of 2016.05.06 is attached as test-old.pdf; that of 2016.06.16 is attached as test-new.pdf
Is it possible to revert to the old behavior?
can you test with
\hskip\d_strc_formulas_display_margin_left % was kern but that doesn't indent
line 1153 in math-ali.mkiv
I guess you already added it to the new beta. It works correctly. Thanks, Aditya