Hi Vladimir,
Thanks for everything, it seems to work !
You are the only one who knew how to solve the problem.
Here is the content of my ~./emacs file that you probably need to improve :
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(eval-after-load "context"
'(setq TeX-command-list
(cons '("ConTeXt" "PATH=/home/aragorn/context/tex/texmf-linux-64/bin:$PATH context %s"
TeX-run-command nil t :help "Run context (MarkIV)") TeX-command-list))
(setq ConTeXt-mode-hook
(lambda () (setq TeX-command-extra-options "--purgeall")))
(add-hook 'ConTeXt-mode-hook
(setq TeX-command-default "ConTeXt Full")))
-------------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
By cons if I add this :
-------------------------------- 8< -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(setenv "TEXMFCNF" nil)
(setenv "TEXROOT" "/home/aragorn/context/tex")
(setenv "TEXMFCACHE" (format "%s/.cache" (getenv "HOME")))
-------------------------------- 8< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the compilation returns a damaged pdf file that I can not open.
installed texlive 2018 and context standalone in my home directory and emacs in the /usr/share/emacs directory with Arch Linux ; can that explain my problems ?