Dear Hans, dear all, My best wishes to all the community for this New Year! With the latest beta, \setuphead[chapter] has a strange behavior: the order of two keys seems to be important… More precisely \setuphead [chapter] [header=high, align=middle ] results in an error (see below), while \setuphead [chapter] [align=middle, header=high ] works as expected (I had a tough time to find the bug and this minimal example…). Minimal example that does not work: %%% begin bug-setuphead.tex \setuphead [chapter] [header=high, align=middle ] \starttext \chapter{My chapter title} \input knuth \stoptext %%% end bug-setuphead.tex The error message points to: \page_layouts_synchronize_element_indeed ...ounds \else \ifx \previoustextst... \page_layouts_synchronize_element ...t_indeed {#1} \fi <inserted text> ..._element \currentlayoutelement \fi \docommand ...=high]\the \everysetuplayoutelement \next1 #1,->\docommand {#1} \syst_helpers_do_process_comma_item \syst_helpers_do_process_comma_list ...rgument #1, ]\relax \global \advance \… Best regards: OK