Hello, Sorry if the example is not minimal but otherwise it would be difficult to explain the problem. The text overflows on the figure and I do not know how to correct this. Thank you Fabrice \usemodule[pgfplots] \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \starttext \placefigure[right,none]{}{ \hbox{\framed{\switchtobodyfont[8pt] \starttikzpicture[/pgf/declare function={g(\x)=3*\x +7;},/pgf/declare function={f(\x)=-4*\x +1;},/pgf/declare function={h(\x)=2*\x -5;}] \startaxis[ restrict x to domain=-20:20, xmax=20, xmin=-20, restrict y to domain=-25:30, ymax=30, ymin=-25, x=0.1cm, y=0.1cm, axis x line = middle, axis y line = middle, axis line style = thick, major grid style=gray, minor grid style=gray, tickwidth=0.1cm, xtick align=outside, ytick align=outside, grid=both, xtick={-15,-10,...,15}, ytick={-20,-15,...,25}, xticklabels={\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,5,\empty,\empty,\empty}, yticklabels={\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,5,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty,\empty}, extra x ticks={-20,20}, extra x tick label={\null}, extra y ticks={-25,30}, extra y tick label={\null}, extra tick style={tick style={draw=none}}, every tick/.style={ black, thick, }, y tick label style={ /pgf/number format/1000 sep={} }, xlabel=$x$,ylabel=$y$, every axis x label/.style={ at={(ticklabel* cs:1.01)}, anchor=west, }, every axis y label/.style={ at={(ticklabel* cs:1.01)}, anchor=south, }, samples=2000,
=stealth, ]
\addplot [smooth,domain=-20:20,thick,darkblue] {f(x)} ; \addplot [smooth,domain=-20:20,thick,darkred] {g(x)} ; \addplot [smooth,domain=-20:20,thick,yellow] {h(x)} ; \draw[thick,darkgreen](5,-25)--(5,30) ; \node[below left=2pt] at (-0.1,-0.1,0) {\math{0}} ; \stopaxis \stoptikzpicture}}} \startitemize[n] \item On considère les droites \math{{\cal D}\,\colon x=5} et \math{{\cal D'}\,\colon y=3x+7}. \startitemize[a] \item Que vaut l'abscisse du point d'intersection de \math{{\cal D}} et \math{{\cal D'}} ? \item Calculer alors son ordonnée. \item Interpréter graphiquement le résultat sur le graphique. \stopitemize \item On considère les droites \math{\Delta \,\colon y=-4x+1} et \math{\Delta '\,\colon y=2x-5}. \startitemize[a] \item Résoudre l'équation \math{-4x+1=2x-5}. \item Donner une interprétation graphique de la solution obtenue. \item Donner les coordonnées du point d'intersection de \math{\Delta} et \math{\Delta '}. \item Interpréter graphiquement le résultat sur le graphique. \stopitemize \stopitemize \stoptext