Hi Taco, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
This one is a case of NIY: If you really need interactivity, use \setupcite[authoryear][compress=no] for now. That is fine with me, (I think) I won't have one author with several years thus compression is not important in this case.
\cite[doi][Slater1954] shows something like
[Slater195410.1103/PhysRev.94.1498] rather than "10.1103/PhysRev.94.1498" Ups, this is seemingly a "bug" in my environment file (which I recycled from 2004). One definition clashes with t-bib.tex's gotoDOI. But there is nontheless a bug (see below).
Has anyone an idea what goes wrong here: \def\onlinecite[#1]{\cite[left=,right=][#1]} [...] \onlinecite[myRef] % does not work, shows [] Logfile: publications : warning: cite argument myRef unknown on 109
Hmm, I don't know why, but this part works now :-/ I should definitely better test.
However, I still have some problems (see attached testcase): \setuppublications[alternative=apa] \cite[author][Slater1954] % produces "()" \cite[year][Slater1954] % produces "()" \cite[...][Slater1954] with ... key, serial, page and type produces "[]" (some might be ok, though) \cite[doi][Slater1954] % produces "[ http://dx.doi.org/..../1498]" with superfluous space and DOI-URL not DOI. Expected: shows "10.1103/Phys...." not "http://" ... (The superfluous space disappears when using \setupinteraction[state=start].) And using \setuppublications[alternative=aps], I find: Looks in principle ok, except for the same [doi] as above. ------------------------- I have another feature with for \cite[author*][...]: I'd like to limit the displayed name to the family name of the first author. Currently, I have: (Firstauthor and Lastauthor,1954) or (Firstauthor et al.,2005), however to save space I'd like to have only (Firstauthor,2005). I see andtext, otherstext, but miss the authoretallimit, which I would set to one. Frankly, I have never seen references of the form (Several authors, year); I do know, however, references of the form "several authors (year)". Does APA really uses several authors for authoryear? The name suggest not, only for authorsyear I would expect it. If you default to one author for "authoryear" and "author", I'd not mind to have a "authors" beside "author". Tobias