Dear List,

I have the following MWE:

\usemodule [fnt-10]
(1) \getglyphdirect{ZapfDingbats}{61491}\crlf % MKIV log: char  (U+0F033) in font 'ZapfDingbats-4' with id 8: missing
(2) \getglyphdirect{ZapfDingbats}{983059}     % LMTX log: char 󰀓 (U+F0013) in font 'ZapfDingbats-4' with id 8: missing

In MKIV, line (1) fails to output the requested glyph, while line (2) produces a "check" (✓). In LMTX, line (2) fails and line (1) produces the "check" (✓) . The output of "\ShowCompleteFont" reports differing Unicodes for the same glyphs. Apparently the Unicodes for ZapfDingbats have changed.

I would like to have a "check" (✓) in the output for both MKIV and LMTX. Options:
A) Is there a way to address the glyph in ZapfDingbats for both MKIV and LMTX uniformly, e.g. by glyph index? (By glyph name does not seem to work: MKIV reports glyph names, LMTX does not.)
B) Is there a conditional that I can build into the source to distinguish between MKIV and LMTX?
C) Is there a font in the distribution for which I can have a "check"-symbol in both MKIV and LMTX?

Any help is appreciated!
