At https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Wiki:About there is a Contact section, including For general questions (any questions!), start a new topic on the Context_wiki:Discussions page. If you need the help of an administrator, there is a list of administrators at Context_wiki:Administrators. There are *no* topics on the Discussions page, and the Administrators page doesn't exist. This causes me to be concerned that no one is there. Is anyone there? In case anyone wonders why I am asking... I was looking at the wiki page for "\listing", which is no longer in Mk IV (and may also not be in Mk II (I didn't check)). In 2015 both Hans and Wolfgang mentioned in this list that the command was gone. I just edited the wiki to note that the command was gone, should anyone venture there, but I think even better would be to delete the wiki page entirely. However, that sounds like a decision for senior management, and I was going to ask them, but I couldn't find the right corner office. Thoughts? Jim