Hello, Taco said on http://context.literatesolutions.com/collector/66 that the new \txt should solve my problem, but I cannot find the right way. If nobody knows a solution, perhaps I'm going to translate the LaTeX macros to ConTeXt (at least trying to ...). Here is the LaTeX-code, that does the thing I'm looking for: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mdwlist} \begin{document} \begin{basedescript}{\desclabelstyle{\pushlabel}\desclabelwidth{6em}} \item[Short] This is a shorter item label, and some text that talks about it. The text is wrapped into a paragraph, with successive lines indented. \item[Normal] This is a normal item label, and some text that talks about it. The text is wrapped into a paragraph in the same manner as above. \item[Rather longer label] This is a longer item label. It's somewhat an exception. As you can see, the text is pushed to the right, to leave some place for the label. \end{basedescript} \end{document} I would be glad about a ConTeXt-solution. Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/