Il 01/03/21 15:44, Hans Hagen ha scritto:
\startuseMPgraphic{circle} lmt_parshape [ path = fullcircle scaled 136mm, offset = 2mm, bottomskip = - 1.5LineHeight, ] ; \stopuseMPgraphic
\start \startshapedparagraph[list=circle,mp=circle,repeat=yes,method=cycle]%
list=... refers to a previous \startparagraphshape definition, so mp=... tells ConTeXt that the definition is derived from MetaPost code instead. Just mp=... could be enough, but maybe "list=xyz,mp=xyz" makes it clear that mp is used to get a parshape from MetaPost instead of a \startparagraphshape definition.
What's the meaning of \dontcomplain? Why is it needed there? BTW, \startparagraphshape, \stopparagraphshape, \startshapedparagraph, \stopshapedparagraph should be added to the .xml documentation files. The "right", "left", "both", "copy", "repeat" syntax in \startparagraphshape is really handy. Thanks, Massi