Dear All, On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
using Cambria + Cambria Math makes Unicode math input and typesetting instantly possible but for missing glyphs for leqslant\geqslant.
There is not much that we can do when the glyph is missing from the font. In principle, we can create a fallback, but creating fallbacks for each and every missing glyph is not really an option.
"Not an option" - it impplies that there are many Unicode math fonts, so one can not make workarounds for their individual glitches, but there is only one quality Unicode Math font - Cambria Math, one collaborative playground development version - Asana-Math and, soon to be released (for years), STIX Fonts. Or so I get it form a casual glance. Am I wrong? Sincerely, Michail