31 Oct
31 Oct
11:47 a.m.
Hi all, I spotted an curious side effect while using italic correction together with the export feature. The XHTML-export has unwanted spaces while the PDF is fine. \startbuffer[css] highlight[detail=emph] { font-style: italic } \stopbuffer \savebuffer[css][test.css] % -> do not work! \setupbackend[export=yes,xhtml=yes,css={test.css}] \definefontfeature[default][default][itlc=yes] \setupitaliccorrection[always] % not OK % \setupitaliccorrection[always,global] % OK \definehighlight[emph][style=\it] \starttext \emph{example} % <highlight detail="emph">ex am ple</highlight> \spottiest Regards Andreas PS. By composing this example I noticed that \savebuffer do nothing.