I found warningcheck:=0. Anything allow me to get even bigger numbers to work? On Jan 5, 2006, at 6:15 PM, David Arnold wrote:
All, Is there a switch I can set to get rid of the arithmetic overflow in the following example?
color gridlines; gridlines:=\MPcolor{gridlines};
vardef create_grid (expr l,r,h,b,t,v,wid,ht)= save ux, uy; numeric ux, uy; (r-l)*ux=wid; (t-b)*uy=ht; for k=b step v until t: draw (l*ux,k*uy)--(r*ux,k*uy) withcolor \MPcolor{gridlines}; endfor; for k=l step h until r: draw (k*ux,b*uy)--(k*ux,t*uy) withcolor \MPcolor{gridlines}; endfor; enddef;
vardef create_axes (expr l,r,b,t,wid,ht,blbl) (text xlbl,ylbl) = save ux, uy; numeric ux, uy; (r-l)*ux=wid; (t-b)*uy=ht; textextoffset:=3pt; drawdblarrow (1.05*l*ux,0)--(1.05*r*ux,0); draw textext.rt(xlbl) shifted (1.05*r*ux,0); if blbl:draw textext.bot(decimal r) shifted (r*ux,0); fi; drawdblarrow (0,1.05*b*uy)--(0,1.05*t*uy); draw textext.top(ylbl) shifted (0,1.05*t*uy); if blbl: draw textext.lft(decimal t) shifted (0,t*uy); fi; enddef;
vardef drawfcn (expr ind,dep,l,r,b,t,wid,ht,n) text txt = save x, dx, ux, uy; numeric x, dx, ux, uy; dx:=(r-l)/n; (r-l)*ux=wid; (t-b)*uy=ht; save cpath; path cpath; cpath:=(l,b)--(r,b)--(r,t)--(l,t)--cycle; save p; path p; hide (x:=l;) p:=(scantokens(ind),scantokens(dep)); for xx:=l step dx until r: hide (x:=xx;) p:=p--(scantokens(ind),scantokens(dep)); endfor; hide(x:=r;) p:=p--(scantokens(ind),scantokens(dep)); p:=p cutbefore cpath; p:=reverse p; p:=p cutbefore cpath; p:=p xyscaled (ux,uy); drawdblarrow p txt; enddef;
\startMPpage %figure library name: x2
%initialize window parameters numeric xmin, xmax, xscl, ymin, ymax, yscl; xmin:=-10; xmax:=10; xscl:=1; ymin:=-10; ymax:=10; yscl:=1;
%initialize number of points numeric num_points; num_points:=100;
%initialize dimensions of image numeric width, height; width=1.5in; height=1.5in;
%create the grid create_grid(xmin,xmax,xscl,ymin,ymax,yscl,width,height);
boolean lbl_scl; lbl_scl:=true;
%create the axes create_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,lbl_scl)("$x$")("$y$");
%draw the function drawfcn("x","x*x",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,100) withcolor blue ;
\startMPpage %figure library name: x4
%initialize window parameters numeric xmin, xmax, xscl, ymin, ymax, yscl; xmin:=-10; xmax:=10; xscl:=1; ymin:=-10; ymax:=10; yscl:=1;
%initialize number of points numeric num_points; num_points:=100;
%initialize dimensions of image numeric width, height; width=1.5in; height=1.5in;
%create the grid create_grid(xmin,xmax,xscl,ymin,ymax,yscl,width,height);
boolean lbl_scl; lbl_scl:=true;
%create the axes create_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,lbl_scl)("$x$")("$y$");
%draw the function drawfcn("x","x**4",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,100) withcolor blue ;
\startMPpage %figure library name: x6
%initialize window parameters numeric xmin, xmax, xscl, ymin, ymax, yscl; xmin:=-10; xmax:=10; xscl:=1; ymin:=-10; ymax:=10; yscl:=1;
%initialize number of points numeric num_points; num_points:=100;
%initialize dimensions of image numeric width, height; width=1.5in; height=1.5in;
%create the grid create_grid(xmin,xmax,xscl,ymin,ymax,yscl,width,height);
boolean lbl_scl; lbl_scl:=true;
%create the axes create_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,lbl_scl)("$x$")("$y$");
%draw the function drawfcn("x","x**6",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,100) withcolor blue ;
%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End:
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