24 Mar
24 Mar
7:41 p.m.
On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 11:36:30AM -0400, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
You can do:
\setbox\scratchbox=\vbox{\framed[width=300pt, align=flushleft]{\input ward\relax}} The height of the box is \the\ht\scratchbox; the width is \the\wd\scratchbox. \unvbox\scratchbox
\setlayerframed[LAY][x=0pt, y=20pt][width=300pt, align=flushleft]{\input ward\relax} \flushlayer[LAY]
Yes, that's essentially the same method I used, but I must have done a mistake with serious consequences concerning flushleft align text. And so I wrote to the list with my question. Thank you for your effort, Aditya! Rudolf