On 02/19/2013 09:22 AM, Marco Patzer wrote:
Within the limits of CSS you obtain a quite close match¹. But it's up to you to create the matching CSS.
You can do a pretty good job of matching the printed page with HTML5 + CSS3 here's a good reference: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp Unfortunately, implementation of these standards is a bit spotty. The problem is in the browsers. Chrome/Chromium has done the best job of implementing HTML5 to date, IE the worst. with Firefox and Safari in between. Similarly, EPUB (based on XHTML) is in a similar situation. EPUB3 is based on HTML5 while EPUB2 on XHTML1.1 The corresponding CSS support tells you how well most e-book readers handle the new format. At the moment, there is very little support for EPUB3 in applications and dedicated readers (Kindle, Nook & al.) It's best if you design your document with these formats in mind or put up with how your document is rendered. As a not-very-good fallback, you can always convert your document to PNG/JPEG images and use HTML to simply display them in the proper order. -- Bill Meahan Westland, Michigan USA