Thanks for mentioning that command, which I'd been looking for. I couldn't quite get it to work, but reading the code near its definition helped me solve another problem. Each chapter has a section for exercises, and each exercise is a subsection with a short title (a few words). e.g. \exercise{Batteries} What is the cost of energy from a 9V battery? From a wall socket (the mains)? I want the exercises to be numbered just by the exercise number (e.g. 7), not for example 1.6.7 (if the exercises are the 6th section in chapter 1). Hence this setup: \definehead[exercise][subsection] \def\choptwo#1.#2.{} \def\processtwo#1{\expandafter\choptwo#1\relax} \setuphead[exercise][style=italic, numbercommand={\processtwo{\currentheadnumber} \gobbleoneargument}] If there's an easier way using \determineheadnumber, I'll be happy to use it instead but the above probably fragile hack works for me. The more obvious try \def\choptwo#1.#2.{} \setuphead[subsection][numbercommand={\expandafter\choptwo}] produced 200 lines of complaint, starting with: ERROR: Argument of \choptwo has an extra }. In the following minimal example of my attempt to use determineheadnumber, the subsection numbers are missing (instead of being the chapter number): \setuphead[subsection] [numbercommand={\determineheadnumber[chapter] \gobbleoneargument}] \starttext \chapter{One} \section{A1} hi \subsection{B1} hi \subsection{B2} hi \stoptext
\setuphead[section] [command={{{\determineheadnumber[section]}
^^^^ one opening brace too much
That's why I want the editor to insert } for me automatically when I type { (in the earlier thread about AUCTeX/Emacs). -Sanjoy `Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.' --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.