I am creating an e-book following closely the example program d-en-all.pdf. The color scheme is taken from the orignal without change. On my Slackware Linux box the reulting PDF file shows correctly, black type on a light gray background. But when I look at it on a Windows 98 SE machine (I have two such) using Acrobat Reader 5.05 each line of text has darker background than the page as a whole, as if each line on the page had been marked with a highlighter. On Linux (also Acrobat Reader 5.05 or thereabouts) no such banding occurs. It displays correctly using Xpdf as well. I will post the (incomplete) e-book on http://wexfordpress.com/tex/book.pdf if anyone wants to try viewing it on their own OS and version of Acrobat Reader. The pertinent source is contained in my macros.tex file as follows: ------------------------------- \setupoutput[pdftex] \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setuplayout [header=0cm, topspace=.5cm, backspace=2cm, margindistance=.5cm, margin=1cm, rightmargin=0cm, rightedge=2cm, edgedistance=.5cm, width=fit, footer=1cm, height=middle] \usetypescriptfile[type-charter] \usetypescript[Charter] \setupbodyfont[MyCharter,14pt] \setupwhitespace[line] \setuphead [chapter] [alternative=inmargin, number=no, ownnumber=yes, after={\blank[3*medium]}] \setupfootertexts [text] [chapter][chapternumber] \setupcolors [state=start] \setuptyping [option=tex] \setupinteraction [% %openaction={firstpage,FitHeight} state=start, style=, color=blue, contrastcolor=, menu=on, title=Free Authoring Software: From Premise to PDF, author=John Culleton] \setupinteractionscreen[option=max] \definecolor [DarkGray] [s=.6] \definecolor [MediumGray] [s=.8] \definecolor [LightGray] [s=.9] \setupinteractionmenu [right] [background=color, backgroundcolor=LightGray, frame=off, state=start] \startinteractionmenu[right] \but [content] contents \\ \but [NextPage] next \\ \but [PreviousPage] previous \\ % \but [sample] sample \\ \but [PreviousJump] back \\ \but [ExitViewer] exit \\ \vfill \stopinteractionmenu \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=color, backgroundcolor=MediumGray] \setupbackgrounds [text][text] [background=color, backgroundcolor=LightGray, backgroundoffset=1.25mm] \setuplist [chapter] [alternative=f, after=, before=] \setuptyping [before=, after=] \definefont [VeryLarge] [SansBold at 72pt] \definefont [RatherLarge] [RegularBold at 30pt] \definefont [Large] [RegularBold at 24pt] \def\tm{\char153\ } ----------------------------- Any suggestions welcomed :-| -- John Culleton Able Typesetters and Indexers http://wexfordpress.com