Beste Hans, Am 12.10.2011 um 16:23 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
Am 12.10.2011 um 11:33 schrieb Pontus Lurcock:
On Wed 12 Oct 2011, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
the \cite command behaves strange, when used in projects:
The expected output would be:
Me and You; Name, P..Test..
but it is only
; Name, P..Test..
And this result is the same when run from product or from component.
Hmm. When I comment out your
\setupcite [author] [left={},right={}]
and process the chapter with context 2011.10.01, it seems to work. I don't know why setting left and right should kill the author citation type, and then only when in a project structure
and with context 2011.10.08 it doesn't work at all (even when commented out as you propose). I think it must be a bug.
@Hans: can this be fixed in next beta, please?
I happily confirm that this is fixed in vers. 2011 10 14. Thank you very much for this fast fix! Steffen