Hi, I tried to find out how to create pdf files from multiple sources in a batch file, but I could not find a solution. Always after the first document the batch files ends and no further documents are created. My Windows batch file looked like this (Every student has his own pdf file):
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion call C:\Programme\context\tex\setuptex.bat C:\Programme\context mtxrun.cmd --autogenerate --script context --batch --pdf student_1.tex mtxrun.cmd --autogenerate --script context --batch --pdf student_2.tex mtxrun.cmd --autogenerate --script context --batch --pdf student_3.tex mtxrun.cmd --autogenerate --script context --batch --pdf student_4.tex
I also tried texexec but without success. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this? Thanks for your help. Wolfgang Murth