Henning Hraban Ramm via ntg-context schrieb am 13.11.2022 um 11:37:
One problem left with dimensions that I can’t reproduce in a minimal example:
I want to calculate the spine width of the cover from the number of content pages:
\useexternalfigure[CONTENT][book.pdf] \getfiguredimensions[CONTENT] \definemeasure[SpineWidth][2mm + (0.135mm * \noffigurepages/2)]
You can try \expanded{\definemeasure[SpineWidth][...]}
That works so far, if I output \measure{SpineWidth} it shows the right size (~42pt).
But if I use this measure in \setlayer[width=\measure{SpineWidth}]{...} it’s very small. I guess \noffigurepages is 1 at that point (from another image) and I’d need to expand it first.
Am I right that the expansion happens only at the “execution” of \measure? How would I do that? \expanded\noffigurepages doesn’t work.
Another issue:
0.135mm is the paper thickness of 90 g/m² (= 0.09mm per sheet) with 1.5 bulk. But \definemeasure[SpineWidth][2mm + (0.09mm * 1.5 * 90)] doesn’t work:
You can use integers to multiply or divide a length, a float is only allowed before a length. e.g. 1.5\scratchdimen or 1.5\dimexpr ...\relax In your case you have to use \definemeasure[SpineWidth][2mm + (0.09mm * 3 * 90 / 2)] or \definemeasure[SpineWidth][2mm + (0.09mm * 135)] Wolfgang