On 06/07/2017 11:01 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
sure it's no big deal to write such a script but in decades of tex i never felt the need
I wrote a small script for my Linux machine (check-context.sh), to be able to check a single file: source $HOME/ctxbeta/tex/setuptex mtxrunjit --autogenerate --script check $1 echo $1 But when applied to a file, I get the following: $ check-context untitled.tex The argument "/home/ousia/untitled.tex" is not a valid TEXROOT path. (There is no file "/home/ousia/untitled.tex/texmf/tex/plain /base/plain.tex") 8 grouping error ode[abc] <lf> This is \linenote{abed intended. <lf> <lf> \stopt 10 missing stop enote{abed intended. <lf> <lf> \stoptext <lf> (see line 7) untitled.tex I mean, I get the output, but after an error. $1 has full path in the first ocurrence, but it has only the relative path with echo. Of course, I get not error by direct invocation: $ mtxrunjit --autogenerate --script check untitled.tex 8 grouping error ode[abc] <lf> This is \linenote{abed intended. <lf> <lf> \stopt 10 missing stop enote{abed intended. <lf> <lf> \stoptext <lf> (see line 7) What am I doing wrong here? Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk