Peter Münster wrote:
On Mon, 31 May 2004, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
FitBH means, fit to width of bounding box. When reading text on the screen, the combination of FullScreen and FitBH seems to me optimal.
I could not find anything like this in ConTeXt.
After a while of searching, I found in spec-fdf.tex the following lines:
\def\PDFpageviewkey{ fit} \def\PDFpageviewwrd{ /Fit} \def\PDFpageview {/View [\PDFpageviewwrd] }
I changed /Fit to /FitBH and indeed, I get lines like this: <> in the pdf-file. When clicking on a link, I get into FitBH mode, but not at startup. Does anybody know a little bit more about PDF to get this working as in LaTeX?
\setupinteraction[focus=fit|width|height|standard] BH is not supported (yet) \def\dosetuppageview#1% {\processaction [#1] [\v!passend=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{ fit}% \def\PDFpageviewwrd{ /Fit}, \v!minbreedte=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{ fitbh}% \def\PDFpageviewwrd{ /FitBH}, \v!breedte=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{ fith}% \def\PDFpageviewwrd{ /FitH}, \v!minhoogte=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{ fitbv}% \def\PDFpageviewwrd{ /FitBV}, \v!hoogte=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{ fitv}% \def\PDFpageviewwrd{ /FitV}, \v!standaard=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{ xyz\PDFpagexyzspec}% \def\PDFpageviewwrd{ /XYZ\PDFpagexyzspec}, \s!unknown=>\def\PDFpageviewkey{ fit}% \def\PDFpageviewwrd{ /Fit}]% \edef\PDFpageview{/View [\PDFpageviewwrd]}} you need to add the following to mult-con.tex first to get minheight supported minhoogte: minhoogte minheight minhoehe minvyska altezzamin inaltimeminima so now we have minheight and minwidth; can you test that (only when it works i will move it to the driver module; such things were buggy in previous versions of acrobat) Hans Hans