4 Jun
4 Jun
10:46 p.m.
"Maurice" == Maurice Diamantini
Hi! Excuse me for the noise... Maurice> port info ghc => ghc 6.8.2, Revision 3, lang/ghc (Variants: Maurice> universal, darwin_6, darwin_7, darwin_8_powerpc, darwin_8_i386, Maurice> darwin_9_powerpc, darwin_9_i386, no_opengl) http://haskell.org/ but just received another message from pandoc dev: "Thanks! As luck would have it, the patch was committed to macports just after your message. So the workaround should no longer be necessary -- after a 'port sync', pandoc should again be installable using macports." Pls. try it! Sincerely, Gour -- Gour | Zagreb, Croatia | GPG key: C6E7162D ----------------------------------------------------------------