Hi Tobias, Your bugs are a bit bizarre. It is not as hot now as it was yesterday evening, so I can think better now. Tobias Burnus wrote:
However, I still have some problems (see attached testcase):
Testfile runs fine here: no empty braces except for 'url', which is correct.
\cite[doi][Slater1954] % produces "[ http://dx.doi.org/..../1498]" with superfluous space and DOI-URL not DOI. Expected: shows "10.1103/Phys...." not "http://" ...
This would have fixed it: \setupcite[doi][interaction=stop] But my next version makes this automatic by checking the value of the global interaction mode.
(The superfluous space disappears when using \setupinteraction[state=start].)
There is no superfluous space when I try it, so I cannot reproduce the problem. Are you sure your local system is loading the right files?
I have another feature with for \cite[author*][...]: I'd like to limit the displayed name to the family name of the first author. Currently, I have: (Firstauthor and Lastauthor,1954) or (Firstauthor et al.,2005), however to save space I'd like to have only (Firstauthor,2005). I see andtext, otherstext, but miss the authoretallimit, which I would set to one.
My next upload (momentarily) will support: \setupcite[author][authoretallimit=1, otherstext=] Just wait five minutes or so
Does APA really uses several authors for authoryear?
I do not think so (the bib module doesnt) Taco