Dear ConTeXt wizards, I am currently writing a course. I need some notes in the left margin. I have written this in the preamble : \setuppapersize[A4] \setuplanguage[fr] \setuplayout [backspace=40mm] \setuppagenumbering[location={header,inright}] \setupmargindata[inmargin][location=left] \setupmargindata[inmargin][style={\switchtobodyfont[ss,10pt]}] \setupbodyfontenvironment[default][em=italic] \definefallbackfamily [mainface] [serif] [New Athena Unicode] [preset=range:greek]% for some words in greek \definefontfamily [mainface] [serif] [GFS Didot] \setupbodyfont[mainface] \setupindenting[1.5em] \setupindenting[yes] \setupframedtexts[][left,10pt] \starttext A problem occurs : while some words are well printed in italics in the body text (and in footnotes), this is not the case in the left margin with this code : \inmargin[][align=middle]{Cf. Platon, {\em Timée}, 29b.} Thanks for your help ! JP